Recruitment advice we must give....
Admittedly we don't have the wisdom of 900 years in the galaxy but we do meet a lot of clients and candidates.
Your CV
They say that the closest you ever come to perfection is on your CV. This doesn't often ring true as only 20% of the CV's we see do justice to their writer. Most interviewers want to scan a CV and easily pick out the relevant points. Relevant is the important word there: you may be very proud of your grade B in GCSE woodwork 20 years ago but does it really need to be in a CV for that Linux Sys Admin role?
We will usually offer some feedback when you send us your CV, but given that it is a critical first step in your career & may add £10k to your earnings it is well worth putting some effort in to.
There are some basic guidelines that you need to follow laid out on our CV advice page, or if you are really serious we can recommend a particularly brilliant CV writer who we have seen transform them into an almost unfair advantage, and he's not expensive
The Interview
So, that nerve wracking interview....
Actually if you do your research, know your stuff and interview with the right company it can be a weirdly enjoyable experience. As much as we like to get to know our candidates, the same applies to our clients who are interviewing. We will usually have an insight into the company we are sending you to, and probably know the interviewer so we are always happy to give you some insights. Take a look at our interview tips page using the link below, much of it will seem obvious but we bet there is something you can improve.