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Face to Face Interview Advice

Interviews can be an awkward professional situation and preparing for one can be intimidating and daunting. However, preparation is the most important thing you can do, and it will make the difference between success and failure. Research suggests the best time to have your interview is 10.30am on a Tuesday, but certainly to avoid late in the week if you can (every little helps!).

Remember that an interview should be a two way thing, are  they right for you as much as are you right for them. 

The bottom line is to do your research and be yourself.......oh and be on time,...... and dress appropriately, and......

Below are a few tips, you don't have to follow them all but they will make you think. Given the current climate it makes sense to give your self the edge over the competition.


Read the job description very carefully.

Research the company thoroughly:

  • Set up google alerts to keep abreast of its developments.

  • Research markets and forces that influence the industry.

  • Follow the company’s social media account.

  • Find out who will be interviewing you and find out about them too.


Define your reasons for wanting the job.

Clarify your selling points.

Clarify the reasons for leaving your present job in a positive way. Use tact and be diplomatic.

Prepare for common questions

  • What are your strengths?

  • What are your weaknesses?

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

  • Why is there a gap in your employment?  

  • What can you offer us that someone else cannot?

  • Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.   

  • How do you handle pressure?


Consider your salary expectations, research similar roles and check the job description.

Prepare a few of your own questions such as "Are there opportunities for professional development?" or "What’s your favorite part about working at the company?"

Practice your interview with a friend or colleague. Practice will make perfect.

The Day Before                                

Exercise, you will have more energy and appear energised too.

Don’t drink alcohol the night before, instead have an early night. You will want to appear bright, efficient and sharp.

Check the time and location of your interview. Plan your route and plan for delays.

Prepare what you are going to wear and clean your shoes.

Consider the dress code of the company and remember it is better to be too smart than be under dressed.


The Day of the Interview

Eat Breakfast.

Allow extra time for the journey and arrive a little early.

Take your resume and your interview invitation.

Be nice to the administrative staff on your way in.

Outside the door

Pause, stand tall and take a slow deep breath or two

The interview

You're probably not going to remember any of this in the interview, but read it anyway as something may sink in and be of use - be yourself!

Make eye contact and give a firm handshake, smile.

Don’t fidget.

Consider your posture, you want to project success and command respect.

Be amiable, you want to come across as a pleasure to work with.

Consider your answers to the questions, this is not rapid fire.

Project you are confident in your ability to carry out the role.

Don’t mention your shortcomings but highlight your strengths.

If you don’t know an answer, admit it – don't fake it.

Don’t simply recap your resume.

Ask relevant questions but avoid asking about salary or holiday entitlement at this stage.

After the Interview

Follow up with a thank-you email.

“Like” a post on their social media account.

Speak to Us!

Let us know how it went as soon as you get a chance, we will get feedback as soon as we can from the interviewer.

oh, and good luck!

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